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An Explanation

 · 3 min

An explanation for why I've been gone.


You might’ve wondered where I’ve been for the past couple weeks. I shared at the beginning of last week (on the 27th) that I wasn’t going to be streaming for that week. And then I extended my week-long break to this past week as well. And I’ve been sensing that I need to change how I do my content creation. It’s not friendly to any of my disabilities. In order to make it more friendly to those disabilities, I will be majorly pulling back from streaming for a while. In the future, I may have some more energy and more time to devote solely to streams, but streaming isn’t what I do; I’m a content creator. For the past three months, I’ve been solely focusing on Twitch streaming, and while I’ve definitely had a lot of fun streaming, it’s taken over a lot of the other areas of content creation that I would much rather be spending time on (e.g. creating music and making videos).

So, what’s the plan moving forward? Well, unless things are going to change again to put me back on schedules (which I don’t see happening in the forseeable future), you will likely not be hearing about my Twitch streams here on this blog (other than perhaps a small mention at the end of my posts). I won’t be posting schedules anymore on any of my socials. If I’m streaming, I’ll be posting about it on my socials the day of. I do not have the bandwidth to make a schedule and stick to it week after week while also trying to put out small stream clips on my socials and also trying to put out other kinds of content while also trying to make money. It’s not feasible for me anymore. You can keep an eye out for when I’ll be streaming next in the appropriate places, but for now, my streaming is going to be a little more sporadic than it has been.

My gut instinct is to apologize, but at the end of the day, this is my business. This is my content. At the end of the day, I’m the person that decides what happens with my content, and this is just the best business decision I can think of. Hopefully, this decision will open me up to making other content and doing more work and make more money. I would absolutely love to see my business flourish. But I can’t do it with the way I’ve been going about it up until now. Something needs to change, and it’s my Twitch streams.

Of course, if you have the means to support me financially, you can head over to my Ko-Fi and send some money my way. You can either send a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation each month. My only condition (and I’m transparently taking this from CGP Grey) is that you aren’t a student and that you actually have the money to spare. If supporting me would dip into your savings or hurt you financially, then I would ask you to figure things out for yourself financially first before you try and help me. It’s the old adage of “put on your own oxygen mask before attempting to help someone else with theirs.” However, if you can’t financially support me, what you can do is share it with others and get more eyes on it. Perhaps someone you share it with has the ability to support me financially or perhaps you share it to someone who shares it to someone who can or so on and so forth. Anything counts. Everything counts. Thank you for reading this, and I’ll see you all over on Twitch whenever I have the spoons to stream.