Hey everyone! This blog post, much like the film adaptation of Mockingjay by Susanne Collins, comes to you in two parts.
Part 1: Stream Schedule
Here is the stream schedule for this upcoming week. Enjoy!
Part 2: The Four Woods Podcast Update
Last week I said that I was getting together a budget for the continued production of my audio drama podcast, The Four Woods Podcast. Well, I have since made a mock-up budget and am getting ready to start sending out a request for writers to join the project. The budget hasn’t changed that much from my projections last week, so I’ll still want to raise a lot of money for this project, most of which will be going to the actors. Any donations made to my Twitch page in which the donator requests that the money received be put towards the podcast (this includes subscriptions and bits) as well as donations made through my StreamElements donation page in which the donator requests that the money donated be put towards the podcast will be put to the side and will count towards that goal that I mentioned last week. Any of my Ko-Fi donations in which the donator requests that the money go towards the podcast will also be set aside similarly. I really hope I get to continue making this podcast as I had a lot of fun creating it last year.
In any case, that’s all for me on this post. I’ll see you over on Twitch or wherever else I happen to be!